Vulnerable Group Housing Program (VGH)

Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Groups (OVG) Housing project’s primary objective is to improve OVG households’ living conditions through shelter to ensure their stability, independence and safety.

Challenges of inadequate housing for vulnerable communities

Most housing structures in Lesotho, especially for the most vulnerable groups of society do not meet any local standards for decent living. Most are built out of mud, stones or sticks and often lack proper ventilation due to absence of windows.

Safety in such houses is very minimal as the doors are of poor quality and often lack proper door locks. Living under such circumstances puts the vulnerable groups’ lives including caregivers at a high-risk breaking-in and exposure to other social ill that could threaten their lives and livelihoods.

Supporting citizens with housing, sanitation, and rights awareness

OVGs may include, orphans and vulnerable children, elderly and people with disabilities.  Specifically, decent and affordable two-roomed homes that come with sanitation facilities (ventilate improved pit latrines) are built for selected households.

Energy saving stove are also provided for the OVGs. In addition, awareness on property, land and inheritance rights is also provided as a means of tenure security for households served and their community member.

Habitat for Humanity Lesotho had a low-income pilot project in Maseru district where 143 houses were built in Khubelu area

Addressing shelter needs for orphaned and vulnerable children

Many orphaned Basotho children lack a safe place to call home. Land ownership, issues on inheritance rights and other challenges in Lesotho have also contributed to the challenges faced by vulnerable groups, with many becoming victims of property and land grabbing leaving them in desperate need of shelter.

This is a challenge to which Habitat Lesotho and its partners have committed to address for the past 23 years since its establishment in 2001.  In 2007, recognizing the need of Lesotho’s growing Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) population, Habitat Lesotho began building homes for vulnerable families.

Empowering families through subsidized housing and sanitation solutions

The revised Habitat Lesotho housing model allows for fully subsidized housing for OVC families through the Vulnerable Groups Housing (VGH) program. This is complemented by addressing beneficiaries’ sanitation needs by building new improved ventilated pit latrines and training them on hygiene for long term health improvement.

All chosen families participate in the construction of their homes through self-help requirements which include collecting water, providing unskilled labor and helping gather locally available materials. This reduces costs and increases the level of ownership and dignity that the families experience.
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